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Raise Your Voice!

For the past 15 years, Trick or Eat has been engaging Canadians coast-to-coast and providing them with opportunities to help address immediate hunger concerns within their own communities through food and financial donations. This year, given the rising scale of hunger in Canada, Meal Exchange recognizes the need to do more.

Research and experience demonstrate that food donations alone will not solve the problem of rising hunger levels in our country. As of 2012, it was reported that 1.4 million Canadian households experience food insecurity, which amounts to nearly 1 in 8 households. That means that 4 million individuals, including 1.15 million children do not have access to safe, nutritious and affordable food. This is a problem that is becoming more and more difficult to ignore in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

By asking Canadians to raise their voice about hunger in Canada, we aim to raise awareness about the scope of this important issue, and generate a forward-looking conversation about long-term solutions for food security.

It’s time to recognize that hunger in Canada will not be solved by charitable donations alone.

It's time to get talking about how we can create a just and sustainable food system that is accessible to all Canadians. 

In the history of struggles for social justice, talking openly about the problem is the starting point for social change. We're using Twitter (@mealexchange) and #trickoreat to reach thousands with hopeful, creative and real solutions to the problem.

We're looking to Canadians - from households to civil society leaders - to lend their perspectives to the conversation. Together, let’s raise our voices and envision a future where no Canadian goes hungry.

Help us share the scare and raise your voice. Join the conversation via #trickoreat by both sharing the scare and raising your voice, or doing just one:
Share the scare by taking a photo of your scariest face(s). 
Group Shot1    or      Katie with computer

Once you have everyone's attention, let them know what you're scared about.
Sample tweet: Think this is scary? Over 4 million Canadians are food insecure: Share the scare, raise your voice to hunger! #trickoreat
Click here to learn more about how you can share the scare.
Raise your Voice! Join and help spread our nationwide conversation by answering one question:
With hunger in Canada on the rise, what should Canadians do to end it?


TOE Twitter Box - Updated Hashtag





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WhatÂ’s New

  • Sponsor Spotlight: Cadillac Fairview

    Today we are happy to introduce you to one of our proud sponsors: Cadillac Fairview. 

  • Spotlight Sponsor: TD Securities

    Today we're happy to profile another key funder of the Trick or Eat program: TD Securities. 

  • FINAL WEEK! Get Involved!

    There are more ways than ever to get involved in Trick or Eat this year!

    And they’re not exclusive, in fact, you can achieve the highly desirable Trick or Eat Super Scarer status by doing more than one! Here’s how you can help:
