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FINAL WEEK! Get Involved!

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There are more ways than ever to get involved in Trick or Eat this year!

And they’re not exclusive, in fact, you can achieve the highly desirable Trick or Eat Super Scarer status by doing more than one! Here’s how you can help:


  1. Join a campaign and help collect food on the night of Halloween!

With 86 campaigns running across Canada, there’s a good chance that one is running in your community! Be sure to sign up online and register yourself as a participant. Registering online yourself ensures you’ll receive important campaign updates which include information on meeting places and times. It also provides you with your own personal fundraising page that you can direct your family and friends to!

How to register online:

  • Visit: and click on ‘Register’.
  • Sign In or Create a Login: If you’re new, click the ‘Register’ button. If you’re a returning Trick or Eater, sign in to your account using your information from last year.
  • Select Registration Type: Here are your 3 options:

Join a Campaign:Is your school or community group holding a Trick or Eat event? If so, join their campaign by clicking ‘Register as an Individual’.By choosing this option,you will be prompted on the next page to affiliate with a campaign by selecting it from a drop-down menu.

Join a Team: Is there a smaller group within a campaign that you’re looking to join? For example the McMaster Swim Team within the McMaster University Trick or Eat campaign? If so, click this option and search the team you wish to join. Can’t find it? Register as an individual and you can join a team later!

Create a Team: Are you looking to be the team captain of a smaller group of participants within a registered campaign? Great! Click “Create a Team’ to set up a team on the spot. Note: you can also create a team at any point after you’ve registered.

Got questions or need help registering? Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1. Help Trick or Eat Meet and Exceed its Fundraising Goal!

Whether or not you’re part of a collection campaign or not, supporting fundraising for Trick or Eat is an essential way to contribute to our overall goal of ending hunger in Canada.

Organizations and local food agencies need more than just food donations to combat hunger; they need financial resources to support their core programming, and to invest in activities that build community, solidarity, and the support systems people need to move beyond emergency food relief.

If you’re not part of a campaign this year, consider donating to your alma mater, a community campaign, or Meal Exchange national. We’re working to raise $25,000 this year - and we know we can do it with your help.

  1. Raise your voice!

This year’s campaign is getting loud on Twitter. We believe that we need to be doing more than food collection if we are going to address food security in the long term. So we’re starting a conversation.

@mealexchange is using #trickoreat to ‘share the scare’ about rising rates of hunger and food insecurity.


 Now that we’ve got your attention, we’re also  asking Canadians to contribute their ideas on what we can do to end hunger. Is it about  Raising minimum wage? Increasing social assistance? Affordable housing? Guaranteed Annual Income? Other?

If you’re a tweeter, we hope that you’ll help share the scare and engage your networks on this important national conversation!

Don’t have Twitter? Send us your scary selfie and your proposal for food security, and we’ll tweet it out for you!


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Guest Tuesday, 04 November 2014




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