The Meal Exchange team and network has been feverishly tweeting all month using #TrickOrEat to "share the scare" about rising hunger in Canada and to raise voices about long-term solutions for food security. On Wednesday, we're hosting an inaugural #TrickOrEat Tweet Up!
We're excited to be featuring renowned food activist and writer, Wayne Roberts; as well as Canada Research Chair in Global Human Security, the mind behind Feeding 9 Billion and #foodcrisis, Evan Fraser, and Volunteer and Public Awareness Supervisor of the SFUO (Student Federation of the University of Ottawa) Food Bank, Taylor Davidson as panelists.

Written by: Jared Davidson
This year’s Trick or Eat is kicking off! All of the organizers are locked in and are already planning their part in what will undoubtedly be a wildly successful event. Every year on Halloween, Trick or Eat participants go door-to-door in their communities, collecting food and funds for local food agencies. But this year’s campaign hopes to add something to the tradition: a national discussion on hunger. In addition to collecting non-perishable foods, Trick or Eat participants will be collecting opinions, answers to one not-so-simple question: “With hunger in Canada on the rise, what can Canadians do to end it?”

Trick or Eat is about much more than dressing up and collecting food. It’s about sharing, building community and discussing one of the most important issues in Canada. Trick or eat an opportunity to raise awareness about hunger in Canada. It’s a positive event to address short term and long term food security. Each campaign is different and reflects the goals, values and spirit of each community. Students are central to this work. Help students and community members from across the country meet their fundraising goals!

For 15 years, Trick or Eat has worked with campuses and communities across Canada to run an annual food and fundraising drive in support of local food agencies and food banks.
We’re proud of our work to date - but we believe we need to be doing more. We're starting by raising voices.
Call to Action:
Faculty, RA’s and TA’s can play an essential role in a national conversation on #trickoreat - read on to find out how.
Callout for Trick or Eat Twitter Ambassadors
Are you willing to lend a hand - or your Twitter account - to Trick or Eat this year?
For the past 15 years, Trick or Eat has been engaging Canadians coast-to-coast and providing them with opportunities to help address immediate hunger concerns within their own communities through food and financial donations.
We believe we can do more. Here’s how:

WhatÂ’s New
Trick or Eat is Here! Provide Your Support at This Crucial Moment!
Tomorrow, students and communities are going door-to-door for Trick or Eat. This year it’s going to be huge, with 87 campaigns across the country and over 1,000 participants registered to participate in the event!
Sponsor Spotlight: Canadian Pacific
Our final Sponsor Spotlight is on Canadian Pacific, a long-standing supporter of Trick or Eat!
Sponsor Spotlight: Cadillac Fairview
Today we are happy to introduce you to one of our proud sponsors: Cadillac Fairview.